Well, I had fun and that's all that matters. I watched some videos afterwards and I found out I was pretty close. I just ended up using a lot of glue.

This was what was in my little kit. A metal hoop, some feathers, beads, string, a plastic needle (didn't really need it) and some leather strips. You can get most of these things from a dollar store, craft store, and stores like walmart. (I love walmart.) I think the hardest thing to find would be the hoop and leather. You could always use a bracelet, a strong necklace or basically anything that's a circle! Instead of leather you could always use other coloured string/yarn/fabric. I'm thinking to make another one with colourful yarn.

First I started wrapping the leather around my hoop. This was my first try, I think I was supposed to tie the ends together. Well I sucked at it so I got out my hot glue gun and glued the ends down.

See? much better! Glue and tape fixes everything.

Then I just went all over the place with the string. You basically make little loops with your string all around your hoop. You keep going until you can't anymore. Pop in a bead once in a while too. Next time I think I'll make the loops a lot closer together.

I think I was supposed to tie the bull thingy onto the hoop somehow... but I just ended up gluing it down.

And finally, the feathers... I didn't use the feathers from the kit. Instead I used my own colourful feathers. I glued them together and hid the glue with the beads. But really you're supposed to tie them together. See they make a rainbow? :]

Have you ever made a dream catcher? Am I the only one that used glue?