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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nicole by OPI Tinsel Tips Mini Set Swatches

So in my Christmas stocking I had this set of three mini Nicole by OPIs.  It includes 'Spark My Mistletoe', 'Stuck in the Chimney' and 'Kiss Me at Midnight' and little sticker rhinestones.
  • So the first one 'Spark My Mistletoe' is a micro red glitter with little holo glitter in a clear base.  And click on the picture and make it big because the red glitter is little rectangles and and hexagons, and the holo is hexagon and really small circles.
  • 'Stuck in the Chimney' is this red-berry color with a really pretty gold shimmer.  The formula is good, it was just the mini sized brush made application hard.
  • 'Kiss Me at Midnight' is a dark red-brown with a really pretty ruby shimmer.  Great formula, although I'm pretty sure I have a couple dupes.
So yeah I do like these colors, with great formulas.  See the box below:  (would any of you like to see some comparisons between 'Kiss Me at Midnight' and other colors that I have?)