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Sunday, October 23, 2011


Ok well I got a complaint email from my friend and follower Olivia about how I haven't posted anything in FOREVER!   Well it's actually only been like four days but in the blogging world thats like a year.  BUT!  I have a good excuse- my dad.  At 10:05 I was in the bathroom downstairs and I was told to be in the bed at 10 and I wasn't.  So me and my sister each lost the use of the computer for two days but after school on Friday I had to clean up stuff and then go to a sleep over and am just now getting the ability to blog.

Now, about the 31 Day Challenge.  WHAT THE CRAP WAS I THINKING?!?  Well for one I was thinking Mimi was going to help and she hasn't. AT ALL.  But we don't even share a blog so what ever.  But I've never done nail art.  And I'm not able to wait for my dad to come home to use his phone (which doesn't even give that good of pictures anyways) and then I would have to blog and post and I just don't even have enough time.  So, I'M NOT QUITTING! I'm just postponing it until this summer.

So from now I'm just swatching and I'll start practicing nail art (no promise it'll be good!).