Anyways all you'll need is some;
pumpkin seeds, salt and pepper and oil.
1. Get your pumpkin seeds and clean them up. You'll want to put them in a bowl or strainer and get all the left over pumpkin guts off them.
2. Wash them with cold water.
3. Lay them out to dry for a few hours.
4. Once they're pretty dry put them in a pan and add a tablespoon or two of your favourite oil. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on them and mix it all up.
5. Then put them in the oven at 325 degrees F for about 20 minutes. About half way, you want to stir the seeds around a bit to give an even roast.
5. Let cool and enjoy.
I always like to add a little more salt on my seeds once they're done.
You can keep the seeds for up to about two - three months, I was told to keep them in the fridge but I think they'd be fine in a container, on a shelf of something. I also found out you can freeze pumpkin seeds for up to a year. :]
Do you just use salt and pepper on your seeds or do you use some other spice/seasoning?