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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wet n' Wild 'Grey's Anatomy'

WERE BACK!!! *scary screechy music*
I honestly have no idea why we had not technological connection to the outside world for 3 days (I missed the season 7 premiere of Criminal minds and I was ready to scream!!  I'd been waiting for over a month!!)  Any ways!

So I have the pictures for three other swatches, but Grey's Anatomy is up first!

I absolutely love this color!  This has crazy duochrome it goes from that purple color (shown above) but it also goes to this green-gray (shown below).  And sometimes you see a more true green color on the edge of the purple at times.  

The formula was OK, but there was bubbles and I had to use four coats (it was super sheer).  One thing I've noticed is that the more sheer the color the more bubbles (probably because I am impatient and don't want to wait for another coat to dry because I want opaque color!)

Here's a picture that shows the green-gray (and knuckle hair?!  oh well not too bad ;) ).  In the bottle you see that super pretty blue and some gold is visible on the bottom.  Sadly, they don't show up on the nails.  I think it's because of the angle of the glass that shows colors that don't come out on the nail.  Which is super depressing, because the best colors are in that corner part.

BTW, there's only two pictures (I could have taken a million pictures, it's that pretty) is that my dad's Nikon is having a breakdown.  It had 1300 pictures with room to spare.  After uploading them all to the computer it said there was too much pictures with only 135 pics!  It was totally weird!  So for now these are the last Nikon pics on this blog.  To bad for the messed up camera brain 'caused it takes such great pics.