the hostgator coupon Google Ping atoo lee: Photo an hour - February 23th

Friday, February 24, 2012

Photo an hour - February 23th

It's my first Photo an hour post! (Yay) I've been trying to do one of these for the longest time but I always forget. Anyways this is what I did yesterday...
Start my day off with a walk around the block with Cap. Then I shower and eat some breakfast.
I relax a bit and finish watching 'But I'm a Cheerleader' on Netflix.
I bought some window sticky things over the weekend and decide to put them up now. Then I sweep a little too.
Check my email and catch up on some blogs while I have a little snack.
I get some dishes done and clean a bit more around the apartment.
I start making my galaxy shirt and play with Captain while I wait for the first side to dry.
Pogo's for lunch while I watch 'Family Guy'. Yum. And some more playing around with Cap.
Start a little sewing project while I watch 'Stand by Me'.
I decide I really like how the shirt turned out so I lay out some more fabric. Then I watch 'Hatchi' while the fabric dries.
I take Cap out for his long walk of the day and have some avocado when I get back home.
I keep sewing some more while I watch 'The Countess' and have some dumplings for dinner around 7.

After that I put some 'Family Guy' on and edit photos for the rest of the night. I know I have such an exciting life.