This past weekend (I need to learn to post these sooner) I visited my hometown. It was a nice break. Hung out with a good friend, went thrifting and black light bowling!

Aren't these salf and pepper shakers so cute? I like the ginger bread couple.

Some cute little figurines.

Almost ended up getting this plant pot. I kinda wanted to paint it something funky but then I remembered how many things I have around the apartment that still needs painting.

Almost got this too but the other side of the mug was in bad condition.

Nothing was really open Sunday night, except the movies (but you know, I've seen almost everything) So we went black light bowling. It was so packed but it was good times.

That's me bowling like a champ.

Had to take a picture of Tania's dinner. The chips looked to cool.
My favourite thing about going bowling are the shoes. I hope one day I find a pair.
Hope you have a good weekend. :]