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Friday, February 3, 2012

Movies of January Review

The Devil Inside
We started off the new year with a horror movie! I love horror movies, its maybe something to do with not really knowing what's going to happen next. Unlike most movies today, I can pretty much guess the next move or who the 'bad guys is'. Which sucks because I don't want to know, I want to enjoy the movie! Anyways this one was pretty good. Some nice effects, but I hated the ending. I knew it was coming and I won't ruin it for you but I hate when they end movies like that. Overall I enjoyed this movie though, not the best horror movie but a good start to 2012. :]
The Adventures of Tintin
I grew up watching the cartoon so I had to go see this. It was pretty good, not amazing but a good movie to go see. There's a lot of action going on in this movie but at the same time it felt a bit slow. One thing that bugged me was that their heads felt like they were just a bit too big for their bodies.
The Iron Lady
I went into this movie thinking it would be like Edgar. (which I didn't really like) But it was actually better, they did such a good job on aging her. If you see this movie just look at her neck in some of the The acting was really good, just like in Edgar but this movie actually kept my attention even though it was pretty late. I probably wouldn't go see this again though.
A Dangerous Method
I liked this movie, but I don't really have much to say about it. The acting was good. I wasn't amazed by this movie but it wasn't horrible. It was just a good movie, but not something I would own. A very serious movie, probably not a good idea to watch it really late after a long day at work.
Beauty and the Beast 3D
Im not a huge fan of 3D movies. I actually really dislike movies that were made for 3D, just to be played in 3D. I went to go see this because it is one of my (and Justin's) favourite Disney movies. We went on the first Tuesday (cheap night) after it had come out and there were maybe 8 other people in the theatre with us. Which is pretty sad, I pictured that the theatre would be full and everyone would be singing along to the songs. Instead we just quietly sang to ourselves. After seeing my first Disney movie in 3D, I'd have to say... I wasn't impressed. The 3D just brings out all the little imperfections that would have gone unnoticed if you were watching it normally. (Belle's hands shrunk and grew a lot) All the beauty shots obviously looked great in 3D. I would recommend seeing other Disney movies in 3D, only if it was your favourite (or if you really want to support Disney). The 3D part doesn't make the movie any better.
We went into this one thinking it would be awesome. Com'on finghting movies are always great. Plus female lead...but really this wasn't that good. The acting was just barely passable... the only thing that saved this movie for me was the awesome fight scenes. (I went with three other guys and they all hated this movie) I mean the fights looked so real! Not the regular over the top 'pow' sounds you here when someone gets punched in other movies. So if you're looking for something a bit different, something a bit more real...
Underworld Awakening
I really enjoyed this movie. They did a great job in this one, the werewolves looked kind of bad, wish they put more work into them but there were a lot of cool action shots. Obviously if you're a fan of the Underworld movies and follow them, you should go see this one. The one dude's transformation was pretty badass.
The Grey
Awesome! So awesome. If you know me, you know I love wolves. So obviously I mainly went for that part. Really good movie, Great acting...I don't know what else to say. Everyone in the theatre was actually quiet when the serious scenes came on. The one thing I didn't like, (and I already knew it was going to happen) was how the wolves were 'evil' in this movie. They were also very big. I mean wolves get big but...these ones were huge. And there's a lot of other little things that wolves normally don't do but to make this movie what it is.. well, they had to bend the rules a bit right? Everytime you see a close up of a wolf, they looked to cool!

Seen any good movies lately? :]