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Friday, December 9, 2011

The last of Capital One

I have decided that I probably won't be using my Capital One camera anyore. I've developed a bunch of rolls from this camera and each time I always end up with only 13 - 17 photos. (yeah, 13 photos out of a roll of 24!) I feel like it's a waste each time. This even happens when I use the same roll twice!

I don't know if it's the camera or if maybe the people that develop my film aren't developing some of the photos because they think I might not want them?... Im not sure.

I looked through my negatives too and found that the first and last shots are almost never developed because its cut off. (and I love cut off photos!) And sometimes I find a whole row of just blank shots? So weird. Maybe It's me? :[

Elvis infront of the Eaton Centre.

A shot of Justin, I'm in his glasses!

I remember taking this one on my way home from the grocery store. Obviously it was a few days after Halloween.

Lots of shots of Captain at the dog park.

I love how Cap's legs are just hanging like that. He's also sticking his tongue out too. Haha. (That's my dog, derp.) This was taken the one day we decided to go to the beach and they had a kite flying contest. Check out that huge Octopus one!

P.S. Moooore over on flickr.