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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Island Girl & Bloggers Not Telling Important Stuff

HEEEY FRIENDS! Sorry I haven't made a quality nail swatching post since SaGreen the Teenage Witch and I'm not totally sure if it's that high quality, cause I want good pictures, good job painting nails and stuff.  Well this isn't a nail polish post (and I am so so so so sorry), but it has to do with nail polish.  

So there's a brand of nail polish called Island Girl.  Well actually they also sell cosmetics.  And as every blog that has ever mentioned has said that they are only sold in ABC stores in Hawaii and Vegas.  And most people think of ABC store as in liquor.  Turns out they mean ABC store as in ABC Stores.  It's like a cross between a convenience store and a drug store.  WHY WASN'T I TOLD!  So yeah just thought you people should know because I was so confused.  

So all in all if you know someone going to Hawaii or Vegas... BEG THEM.  Because there are really pretty and yeah.