the hostgator coupon Google Ping atoo lee: Day 4: Green Nails

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 4: Green Nails

Okay so I need you people to know that I am doing the 31 Day challenge.  But since I can't use the stupid NIKON isn't working (WHY IS IT BROKEN?!?!?).  So I just want you people to know (actually at this point not sure how many people is 'you people') that I am doing this challenge.  EVERYDAY.  And the only thing is that my dad's finishing some really big thing at work and so he's ben getting home later this week.  So of course when he does get home if I have time to swatch then I don't have time to get on here and blog 'n stuff.   Oh well...   OK I'm done ranting.

Here's the picture this is Sinful Colors 'Innocent':

Of course the color came out weird.  Way too not yellow.  It's more of a yellow-green.  Also I know that this post is going up on October 12th but I took this picture and did the first part of this post on the 11th.   Here are the good pictures from later that night

I added this picture in because it goes from the green on the top to yellow on the bottom.   

But the actual color itself I LOVE  it took 3 coats so it was a little bit sheer but this is a really great color.