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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Essie "Mint Candy Apple"

Essie is one of my absolute favorite nail polish brands.  (So is OPI but it's harder to find a place that sells the brand new collections around where I live )  I only have five Essies: a french affair (which is amazing), mint candy apple, coat azure, Jamaica me crazy, and power clutch.  Sadly the last two are sitting on top of my melmer waiting to be swatched, reveiwed, and used.

Here's an extremely beautiful bottle pic taken by yours truely.  Doesn't this look like a light green?  Kinda like mint ice cream to me.

Now of course it looks light blue.  It stayed light blue on my nails the whole time I wore this (yeah a whole 72 hours!).  No matter what light it was under it stayed blue.

I picked this because it matched an AEO dress that I was wearing to two birthday parties that day (Happy birthday Gibson & Natalie!)  I thought it would be easier to find a creme that was
one of those colors but it just shows how many colors I don't have.  (told u dad!)

Another pic taken with those crazy stone dogs that creep me out.