the hostgator coupon Google Ping atoo lee: Betheney Frankel Who? 'Housewives' stars bask in high ratings without her

Friday, June 10, 2011

Betheney Frankel Who? 'Housewives' stars bask in high ratings without her

Betheney Frankel isn’t missed.
Ratings for The Real Housewives of New York City have actually increased since Frankel left the show, PopEater reports.
“During filming and again just prior to our fourth season airing, many articles popped up stating that RHONY would flop after Bethenny’s departure,” a current cast member said.
“Many of these seemed to be veiled leaks by B and her team, designed to hurt us and boost her own spin off. Unfortunately for them, those plans didn’t pan out.
“Bethenny saw herself as the star of that show and assumed without her, less people would watch.
“This is Bethenny’s worst nightmare. She would have liked nothing more than the show to fail without her. She desperately wants her own reality show about her new married life with her baby to kick Jill Zarin and the other ladies asses.”